Strikeforce #9
Marvel Comics
Writer: Tini Howard
Artist: German Peralta
I don’t pay attention to comic book solicitations, so I didn’t know this is the last issue of Strikeforce. I’m sure the effect the current pandemic took on the comics industry is part of the reason why. But knowing this is the final issue after I read it makes it make a lot more sense. The leader of the Vridai needs a home, and the Strikeforce team knows a place. Calling in a favor, the team agrees to participate in a battle royale on Monster Island. No one knows the actual plan besides Spider-Woman and she isn’t willing to tell anyone else.
I can give this issue a lot more slack knowing it’s the end. It feels really rushed and does the thing every story does when it’s ending before its time. Towards the end, they jam in a bunch of story that moves too quickly. At the very least, we have an ending and some answers for the greater story. But it’s obviously something I think needs more than a few pages to explain. We learn the who’s and what’s and why’s about this team forming. We get an (okay) ending to the whole Vridai problem they’ve been fighting since issue #1.
The art from German Peralta, with coloring from Guru-EFX, is good. The bulk of this issue takes place on Monster Island, so there are some fun designs for the monsters. On top of that, it’s in a battle royale setting, so there’s action in there too. I mean, there’s not too much, but it’s there. There’s nothing to complain about as far as the art goes in this issue. I like the style, coloring, and designs.
The biggest problem with this issue isn’t anything that is its own fault. I think if you read enough comics you’ll see this kind of thing happen, and read enough issues like this one. The series gets cut, the story isn’t over, but they need to wrap things up. It’s not bad, but if you know what I’m talking about, you know how this comic will feel while you’re reading it. I’m a fan of Tini Howard, and I’ve come to enjoy German Peralta’s art. We get answers and an ending, and I’m fine with that.
Strikeforce #9
Strikeforce #9 has good art, and we get both a resolution and answers to the main story of the series. Because the series was cancelled, this all comes out with a rushed feeling.