Isola #4
Image Comics
Writer: Brenden Fletcher and Karl Kerschl
Artist: Karl Kerschl and MSassyK
Isola is an incredibly unique comic book. It started as a Prologue that was only found in the back pages of Motor Crush issues 1-5. For readers who missed the Prologue, fear not, here’s what you missed. Queen Olwyn rules the city of Maar until Asher, her brother, invites an outsider named Bastion who represents the city of Palagrine Rock. Asher invited Bastion under the false pretense that Olwyn would join him in a ”union”. The Queen refuses this offer and later finds Fallst, the Captain of her Royal Guard, murdered at the hands of Bastion. The Queen orders the guards to lock Bastion up for this infraction. Later, when Olwyn has to appoint a new Captain of the Guard, she chooses a young female guard named Rook. Olwyn sites the reason for choosing Rook is that she knew her when they were young. This unusual choice marks the end of the Prologue.
Issue #1 opens with Rook guiding Queen Olwyn through a jungle heading for the island of Isola. I should mention that Olwyn is now a tiger. Let that sink in. Got it?
I’ll wait longer.
I’m sorry. We must keep going.
Every reader of Isola has been wondering how the beautiful Queen of Maar got turned into a tiger. That is why this issue is crucial. We finally get to see what happened, and let me tell you, it is very Disney-esque. Constantly in danger, Rook and Olwyn manage to squeeze in an action sequence in this issue that will keep you glued to the pages to see what happens next.
Fletcher and Kerschl have stumbled onto something with Isola. This comic feels less like a comic book and more like an animated feature. This all makes sense when you learn that they were heavily influenced by Hayao Miyazaki, so they are clearly after my own heart. These two guys have known each other since the age of 10, so they have a collaboration system that runs deep. They have planned a careful story that so clearly means a lot to them. The story moves along at a great pace. A lot of what we see is still shrouded in mysticism of sorts, but you can’t help but follow every panel closely, which brings us to Isola’s heart: the art.
Kerschl and MSassyK are putting out some of the best artwork this year. It’s just stunning to see work like this on the page. The attention to detail. The feel of each location. The colors. MY GOD THE COLORS! The character design is incredible. Olwyn in tiger form is so majestic. Her stripes and her eyes are just a fraction of the dazzle in this series. This issue is no exception. If you wiped all the words off the page, Isola would still be worth its price. I can’t say that about many comics I read.
Isola is a treat of a comic and this issue finally pulls back the curtain to reveal how Olwyn became a tiger. Isola started off confusing, I can admit that. It took me a couple of issues and the Prologue to really get a handle on it. That said, now I can’t stop thinking about it and looking for the next issue to drop. Every comic book fan owes it to themselves to open this comic.
Isola #4
Isola is an amazing comic book that mustn't be slept on. Issue #4 is one we have been waiting for since we first opened the premier issue.