Cosmic Ghost Rider #4
Marvel Comics
Writer: Donny Cates
Artist: Dylan Burnett
I have been a hype-man for this comic from day one. I have touted its genius comedic writing and it’s slick artwork for the many characters that have made cameos. While I have loved it, I have wondered if it could keep up with the bar it set for itself. With just two issues left, it was looking good for this series to go into the all-time greats of Marvel mini-series’. In its final stretch, can Cosmic Ghost Rider close out the series on top?
This fourth issue has really brought the series down from the atmosphere and shown us that it’s hard for a comic to sustain such greatness for it’s, sometimes, limited run. In this issue, Baby Thanos has become the Punisher of the future and has brought Frank, and even Baby Thanos, to the future to see what has become of Punisher Thanos’ world. It is here that Frank realizes what his lessons to Baby Thanos have created. All the seeds that were planted to help Baby Thanos have finally sprouted and Frank now has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Donny Cates is a master, but this issue is not packed comedically like all the others. He moves the story along, which is necessary, but he could have pushed the narrative and had the comedy. There was still an opportunity to keep it light, but instead, it just falls flat. He does give us a good reason to carry on to the last issue. There is a conclusion around the corner and we have no idea where it is going. The series has been so good so far that it is a shame to see this drop-off.
I have no complaints about Dylan Burnett here. He is still on top of his game; still having fun with the new Punisher Thanos and the new turn of events at the end of this issue. Much like Cates’ writing, I am looking forward to seeing what Burnett has in store for the finale.
Is it sad to see the quality drop in Cosmic Ghost Rider? Only a little, because it has been on fire up until this point and the ride has been so much fun. It is just coming down to Earth where the good comics are. It could be just a single issue dip before the amazing finale, but either way, I am eager to see the end and sad to see it come so soon.
Cosmic Ghost Rider #4
Cosmic Ghost Rider #4 takes a step back comedically and a step forward narratively. With one more issue left, this is still a must-read series.