Author: Alexander Cole

Alexander is a 27 year old media student and budding journalist working his way towards a university degree. He splits his time between reading comic books, obsessing over gaming franchises like Monster Hunter and Final fantasy and watching any TV show or film that doesn't give away the entire plot in the trailer.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow #5 BOOM! Studios Writer: Mariko Tamaki Artist: Natacha Bustos The final issue of Mariko Tamaki’s “Willow” mini-series. I started off loving this series, partially due to being a Buffy fan, partially due to liking Tamaki’s past works. The Eisner award win didn’t hurt my interest in her work either. My first three reviews were all fairly positive towards this series. The last issue felt like filler though. I’m cautiously optimistic about this finale though so let’s have a look and hope this turns out for the best. It doesn’t, at least in my opinion. I…

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Justice League Dark #27 DC Comics Writer: Ram V Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan The league continues to battle the Upside-Down Man after his seemingly murdering John Constantine the last issue. I’ll say it right here. This issue rocked. The next issue will likely be the end of this series. An issue twenty-nine is planned as a tie-in to the “Endless Winter” event DC is starting. This issue and the next one really need to tie up the story James Tynion started in 2018. We got a good start to that here. Ram has written an action-packed issue for us. The numerous…

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club  Dark Horse Comics Writer: Mike Mignola Artist: Adam Hughes It’s been a while since I read some Hellboy. I think the last Winter Special was the last time I saw the monster hunter. Mike Mignola has brought him back for this delightful little one-shot crossover with the B.P.R.D. I’ve loved Hellboy ever since I first saw Ron Perlman play the character in the first movie. The B.P.R.D. isn’t really a comic I’ve followed though. I don’t really read the spin-offs of the main series. Let’s see if this one-shot is good enough…

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Lost Soldiers #4 Image Comics Writer: Ales Kot Artist: Luca Casalanguida & Heather Moore I was shocked by this issue. Not often that happens but it happened here. By the end of the last issue of Lost Soldiers, I was expecting a revenge story here. Kot has created a very realistic series, I’ve acknowledged that in past reviews. Maybe it’s because I’m so used to supernatural and superhero comics but I didn’t expect the level of realism here. This is a great issue but it’s not just because of art or writing. The shocking moments can make you think about…

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Faithless II #5 BOOM! Studio Writer: Brian Azzarello Artist: Maria Llovet In my review of the last issue, I’d mentioned how Faith finally seemed to be seeing Louis for what he is. A source of evil who’s seducing her by encouraging her artistic endeavors. Azzarello continues this idea throughout his latest issue and it’s a hell of a ride. I’m confident this second volume of Faithless won’t be the last. The story has been a slow burn since the start. This issue has me legitimately excited to see what could happen in the next volume though. Let’s get into the…

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Batman: The Adventures Continue #5 DC Comics Writers: Paul Dini & Alan Burnett Artist: Ty Templeton In my review of the fourth issue in the series, I’d mentioned my one major criticism of this series. Most issues seemed to start with Batman tackling a supervillain as a setup for the real threat presenting itself. Dini and Burnett break that habit with this issue and it’s rather different from the rest of the series overall. Let’s get into the review and I’ll explain more of what I mean. The issue does start off with a battle but it doesn’t involve Batman this…

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The Goddammed: The Virgin Brides #4 Image Comics Writer: Jason Aaron Artists: R.M. Guera & Giulia Brusco The ending of the third issue in Jason Aaron’s biblical horror was a shocker. After all their efforts to escape, Jael and Sharri were back at the same mountain they’d fled from. It was one hell of a punch to the gut after the horrors these girls had been through. That ending left me curious though. Not only about what might happen to the pair but about the mountain itself. We’d seen the hunters and the nunnery but what else is there in…

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The Goddammed: The Virgin Brides #3 Image Comics Writer: Jason Aaron Artists: R.M. Guera & Giulia Brusco The story of two young girls escaping a violent nunnery continues in this new issue of “The Virgin Brides.” Last issue, Sharri and Jael, our two main characters made their escape and killed a hunter sent after them. It was a violent, yet emotional moment in the series. Sharri tried to stop Jael from committing the murder, perhaps out of some remaining loyalty to the nunnery. Jael on the other hand let out all her anger at the nunnery and the idea of…

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Batman: The Adventures Continue #4 DC Comics Writers: Paul Dini & Alan Burnett Artist: Ty Templeton Dini and Burnett continue their sequel to the Batman Animated Series by introducing another character absent from the cartoon, Azrael. For anyone who doesn’t know the character’s history, here’s a summary. Azrael is a vigilante who operates on behalf of an organization known as the Order of St Dumas. In the comics when Bane broke Batman’s back, Azrael took over as Batman and defeated Bane. Bruce eventually recognized that Azrael’s methods of fighting crime were too brutal though and took back the suit. Like…

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Lost Soldiers #3 Image Comics Writer: Ales Kot Artists: Luca Casalanguida & Heather Moore “Lost Soldiers” hasn’t been afraid of showing blood and guts. The opening of the debut issue and the Vietnam flashbacks had plenty of violence. Now though? At the climax of the last issue, Kowalski spotted Burke during the Juarez deal and opened fire. He and Burke had issues dating back to the Vietnam war and naturally, it’s now time for a shootout. I’ll go into it throughout the review but I’ll warn you, this is a graphic comic. There are moments of violence throughout this issue…

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