With all of the progress that board games have made over the last few decades, it is easy to sometimes lose sight of the classics. These are the games that may not be as aesthetically pleasing or have as much depth as modern games, but still paved the way for what we have today. More importantly, they are often more accessible, as they can be found in most households and the rules are more universally known. These classics can still have large followings, so why not make them in a way that they appear as timeless as they are?
Maztermind is a Vietnamese brand that develops and produces board games. While Maztermind provides new and modern tabletop experiences, one might find that the main appeal are the handcrafted classics. Tabletop enthusiasts can find games like Ludo and Chess in Maztermind’s catalogue, each with gorgeous, handcrafted boards and pieces. Today, we will be taking a look at Maztermind’s Leather Dominoes set.
Upon opening the simple and elegant box, players will be greeted with a set of gorgeous leather dominoes. Each domino is crafted with walnut wood and is stamped with waxy leather. The end result is a light and elegant domino that feels both minimalistic and regal. The dominoes look so nice that they can actually be set up as an accent piece on a shelf or table.
While the dominoes certainly appear to be well crafted, the way that the leather is pressed to the wood can lead to some questions regarding longevity. After a few plays, our dominoes held together perfectly. Of course, it would usually take many plays or even years to see the wear and tear on these dominoes. I could feasibly see the leather eventually peeling off, but that isn’t currently a concern. It’s simply something to consider when purchasing a $100 domino set. At a first impression though, this set is as well constructed as it is gorgeous.
While this will inevitably be used as just a decoration or conversation piece, dominoes is still a game. Because of that, it’s worth it to take a look at how good these dominoes are for actually playing dominoes.
As a double-six domino set, this collection will leave some players wanting more if they prefer games like Mexican Train that utilize double-twelve dominoes. At such a price of entry, one would think that this set would be complete, allowing for all games of dominoes to be played. Anyone interested in buying this set will want to assess what games they will want to play so that they are not blocked off from their favorites.
One thing that this dominoes set is missing is weight. The combination of wood and leather simply isn’t a heavy one, and some players may miss that satisfying weight that comes with traditional sets. Placing a domino on the table doesn’t have the same impact that one might expect. It’s not a deal breaker by any means, and this set certainly doesn’t feel cheap, but a little more weight would certainly make it feel more valuable.
Outside of these few shortcomings, Maztermind’s leather domino set is absolutely a joy to play with. Each domino is clear and its easy to read from a distance. The dots are all large, and even players who don’t have great vision will be comfortable reading these.
This set is fantastic for dominoes enthusiasts who just want to show off a little. It looks great in any home, and the multiple leather colors available allows for a set to fit into any environment. There are, however, better, cheaper sets for those who just want to play. This isn’t for causal players though. It’s an excellent gift for the hardcore crowd, but that might be as far as this set’s appeal goes.