Marvel Comics
Writer: Si Spurrier
Artists: Bob Quinn & Java Tartaglia
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Nightcrawler is one of the most beloved characters in the X-Men. The mutant that can’t hide what he is is easy to connect to. He is easy to relate to with all of his inner demons. The character has always had an interesting perspective on religion, family, and sexuality. Until Way of X #3, the series has been a great one for Nightcrawler, with stellar characterization by Si Spurrier. Way of X #3 changes that a bit, as Spurrier gives the character some perspective that just doesn’t feel like it belongs to Kurt. This issue also has some questionable moments outside of Nightcrawler.
Si Spurrier leans on Nightcrawler’s faith and the law that the character himself came up with Krakoa: Make more mutants. After the party gets a bit too crazy, Nightcrawler is hungover and dealing with a bit of emotional fallout. Stacy X is back and passed out contraceptives to the mutants after a night full of debauchery. Kurt doesn’t handle this well, implying that this goes against one of Krakoa’s laws.
I understand leaning on Kurt’s religious philosophy for writing the character. It’s always been a key part of the character throughout his history. Despite this, few mutants have been as sex-positive as Kurt. Being upset that mutants are having a good time and not making new mutants while doing it just doesn’t feel like the character. Kurt would support sex regardless of if it led to new mutants or not. This just isn’t him.
Outside of Kurt’s characterization, this issue still falls a bit short. A scene with Legion, Loa, and Mercury just rubs the wrong way. Legion helps the two have a sexual experience, and him being in the center of it all doesn’t feel right. The progression of the arc doesn’t move in an interesting enough direction, so the entire issue just feels marred by these gross scenes.
Bob Quinn has solid art throughout, but it isn’t enough to elevate the issue. The scene with Mercy, Loa, and Legion actually looks fantastic, so it’s a shame that it is so uncomfortable. Java Tartaglia’s colors are the highlights of this issue. They are bright and gorgeous throughout the issue. Clayton Cowles’ lettering is as good as ever, with solid decisions throughout the issue.
This issue is a huge step back for the series, but that doesn’t mean that it’s all downhill from here. Spurrier owes Nightcrawler some answers and even redemption, but if anyone can fix this series, it is him.
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Way of X #3
This issue is a huge step back for the series, but that doesn't mean that it's all downhill from here. Spurrier owes Nightcrawler some answers and even redemption, but if anyone can fix this series, it is him.