The Flash (2016-) #53
DC Comics
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Christian Duce
The alliance between Commander Cold and Barry Allen heats up in The Flash #53.
Williamson set up a lot of plot-threads in recent issues, and he seems to balance them all quite well in this issue. Among these plots, the team-up between The Flash and Commander Cold is my favorite. Displaced from the 25th Century, Commander Cold assists Barry Allen in his quest to discover the new Forces. This issue picks up right where #52 left off. The Strength Force infected the Trickster, granting him massive strength. In an intense battle with the Trickster, Commander Cold was left badly injured. In this issue, The Flash and Commander Cold chase after the Trickster, but sometimes speed is no match for strength.
This issue was full of Easter Eggs that I really enjoyed. During a flashback (flashforward?) to Commander Cold’s “past” in the 25th Century, he battles The Elongated Maniac, a descendant of the heroic Elongated Man. My favorite Easter Egg was during Iris’ investigation into the new Forces. She studies book after book, all named after famous DC scientists including Will Magnus, T.O. Morrow, and Silas Stone. It’s the little inter-connective points like these that remind me why I love the DC universe.
I enjoyed this issue far more than I enjoyed #52. Although I still think the new Forces are a lazy idea, this issue has enough pros to outweigh the cons. Barry and Commander Cold play off of each other very well. One of my favorite moments of the issue was when Barry scolds Cold for using ice puns.
Duce’s art in this issue was also a highlight. In issue #52, I noticed that Duce had a lot of potential, but a few of his depictions of Barry felt off. However, I think Duce really nailed the art in this issue. His representations of the Flash and the strength infused Trickster were well done. I don’t know if Duce plans to draw future issues of the Flash, but I certainly wouldn’t mind it. It’s confirmed that Hal and Pals’ Rafa Sandoval will take on art duties in the future. I would love to have these two artists as regulars for the Scarlet Speedster. With artists such as Howard Porter, Scott Kolins, and Christian Duce, The Flash has been a great looking book recently.
Overall, The Flash #53 is a step in the right direction for Williamson. I don’t think the Strength Force will ever interest me, but at least the rest of the story is interesting. The Flash and Cold team-up, Iris using her investigation skills, and the mystery behind Warden Wolfe all add up to an enjoyable enough issue. But for introducing a new Force to reality, the stakes couldn’t feel much lower. Hopefully, this story is a breather for some more exciting things to come. With many of the cliffhangers from Flash War left unresolved, I hope Williamson can deliver in future issues.
The Flash (2016-) #53
Commander Cold and Barry Allen take on the Trickster in an issue filled with action, adventure, and cold puns.