Immortal Hulk #7
Marvel Comics
Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Joe Bennett
This is it, the moment the book’s been building up to since day one – i’ts Hulk vs the Avengers! And Holy s#@t is that fight intense.
The issue starts with a little kid in Iowa, playing with his Avengers action figures. As his Iron Man is about to fire his mega laser (a foreshadowing of sorts), he is interrupted by his parents. The city is being evacuated due to a level three superhero conflict, and they have to move fast. This is when the focus switches to the big fight that takes centre stage. Hulk takes the Avengers down one by one, be it physically or verbally, proving once again that he truly is the Mightiest of the Avengers.
What’s good
What’s not, honestly? The fight is a great culmination to all the build-up Ewing and Bennett have been doing since the first issue. Nobody walks unscathed out of the fight, be it physical or mental trauma. It also puts the Hulk (and Banner) in an unexpected position with a fantastic and pretty gruesome cliffhanger.
The character work is phenomenal, to say the least. Hulk – or Devil Hulk, as he calls himself in one moment – knows how to (savagely) push his former teammates’ buttons. You can hear the mic drop after he disses Thor and Captain America. Especially Captain America. God, that hurt.
Bennett’s work has been consistently great since the start of the series, and this issue is no different. The book has such a great flow and there is a sense of urgency thanks to the paneling. His pencils are crisp and sharp, and there is a lot of depth in the art thanks to some really good colouring and shading.
I’m especially fond of the way Bennett draws Hulk. A grinning Hulk is real nightmare fuel.
What’s bad
Ughhh… There is this one panel where Hulk looks like he doesn’t have a nose and that looks kinda goofy? Especially since he is smiling so it looks even weirder?
Honestly, can’t find much to complain besides some colouring mistakes on Captain America. And there is a panel where it looks like his head is floating.
I mean, there aren’t enough superlatives I can use to review this book – it’s just that good. The art is great, the character work is exceptional and the story is fantastic. It’s by far the best book to come out of Marvel’s Fresh Start initiative and, at the moment, my favourite ongoing series. You should really, really jump on it as soon as possible. Who doesn’t like seeing a raging, calculating Hulk taking on the complete Avengers team?
Immortal Hulk
I am in no way affiliated with Marvel Comics, there is no foul play. I just really love this book. Who doesn’t like seeing a raging, calculating Hulk taking on the complete Avengers team?
1 Comment
Tu nargumentes pas beaucoup, Arnaud. Moi qui naime pas les vieux comics de super-héros, je cherche au moins à comprendre pourquoi ça plait. Mais toi, tu réfléchis un peu à ce que tu dis ? Le Hulk version moderne est complètement con. Cest du spectacle popcorn sans rien derrière, avec des effets spéciaux qui seront peut-être un jour vu comme plus ringards encore que ceux de la série 70s. Tu as conscience de ça ? Pour le coup ton exemple est foireux. Si tu nous avais dit vous avez vu le film Logan ou Les Gardiens de la Galaxie , on aurait pu discuter. Mais là, avec Thor et Hulk, tu choisis en plus les exemples les plus nazes du Marvel actuel au cinéma. Alors le vieux Hulk cest peut-être nul. Mais le nouveau est pire. Alors je pense que tu as manqué une occasion de te taire.