No Dr. Stone this week, but Jujutsu Kaisen is back!
Black Clover Ch. 301 – B
Noelle finally admits her feelings to herself. Our tsundere queen is growing up. Also, I’m happy to be wrong about Asta saving the day this time since it looks like Noelle will fight her own battle. These are the kinds of chapters I enjoy from Black Clover, and as annoying and one-dimensional Asta is I do appreciate how he inspires those around him. Not gonna lie, I forgot Charlotte and Rill were here though…
Blue Box Ch. 15 – A

Candy Flurry Ch. 14 – C+

The two plots come together as our two protagonists meet each other. I keep going back and forth on my opinion of Tokio. On one hand, he seems like an underdog who is trying to become independent. But on the other hand, he’s a really pathetic character that’s hard to follow when he’s the main one. He reminds me a lot of Usopp from One Piece; I love Usopp as a supporting character but if the series focused on him I think he’d become insufferable. The art is really cool and that keeps me enjoying the read. But man… Tokio, get it together.
The Elusive Samurai Ch. 26 – C

High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku Ch. 48 – B-
What’s summertime without a festival? The family and their friends have fun festival shenanigans. Not much else to say except it’s a simple Ietani story (if you can ever call their lives simple).
The Hunters Guild: Red Hood Ch. 5 – B-
Jujutsu Kaisen Ch. 153 – B
Jujutsu is back this week with a pretty decent chapter. After the last few Maki chapters I’d be lying if I said this one was a bit of a disappointment, but I am interested in the upcoming tournament. Jujutsu is never a bad manga, so I always look forward to reading a new chapter. But there has yet to be a truly hype moment in the series for me beyond Maki taking down the Zen’in family. Jujutsu always feels “safe” to me; while it’s always consistently good compared to some of its contemporaries like My Hero Academia or Black Clover, those series have exciting moments that take them from fine to excellent. Jujutsu rarely has moments like that, and instead always feels like good but not great storytelling.
Magu-chan: God of Destruction Ch. 53 – B+

Mash versus giant magic monster in a tug-of-war! Ridiculous panels like the one mentioned are why I enjoy this series. Even so, I still want a little more from this series in terms of character development. While I like the main cast, they’re all relatively flat, especially mash. I’d love to see some more sides to the main cast, or at least flesh out their personalities more than they are.
Me & Roboco Ch. 51 – B+
Bondo and friends gain an interesting new classmate! Another solid, funny chapter. out of all the manga, I read this one is definitely close to the top of the list for the best cast of characters. Even though it’s a gag series each character is pretty well-rounded. I’m glad this series has stuck around as long as it has.
Mission: Yozakura Family Ch. 92 – C+
Taiyo v Shinzo in the silver-rank spy examinations. Yozakura Family is more or less just a battle manga now but I still enjoy reading it every week. Shinzo is my favorite member of the family, but harping on his weakness being his kindness gets a little lame. The next chapter will have Taiyo facing off against Futaba so let’s see how he fairs against his older sister-in-law.
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist Ch. 4 – C
So far, Neru feels like the dumb guy who’s smart when it comes to fighting (AKA 90% of shounen protagonists). But I guess he at least has a good memory hidden behind his need to be physically active. I’m still waiting for the great hook in this series.
One Punch-Man Ch. 147 – A
Gold Sperm and Homeless Emperor are giving the heroes a tough time. The more I see of Blackluster the more I hate him as a character. Doesn’t help that the character canonically isn’t even black and is just very tan. On top of his incredibly weak personality, he’s very quickly become the worst part about OPM for me. Also, two of my favorite S-class heroes have entered the fight! This arc has been really enjoyable for the most part and seeing the S-class heroes fight monsters that actually put up a challenge makes for great panels and spreads by Murata. The art in this series alone is stunning, but the content during the monster association arc has been top-notch as well.
Sakamoto Days Ch. 33 – B+
It’s Sakamoto and Aoi’s wedding anniversary! I like how much Sakamoto cares about Aoi, it gives him a bit more dimension. I want to know more about Aoi as a character as well, and not just as “the woman who Sakamoto fell in love with”. In a similar series, Way of the House Husband, we get to know both Tatsu and his wife Miku very well. I hope we will be able to say the same with these two characters soon.
Undead Unluck Ch. 73 – C+
Union versus Under incoming. I still don’t really understand Billy as a character; I enjoyed his carefree personality where his Negator ability seemed to be ricocheting bullets but now he’s this super serious guy with multiple abilities? I’m sure we’ll get an explanation eventually but I don’t really care for him as a villain at all.
Witch Watch Ch. 24 – B
I can’t help but really like Keigo, especially when he’s so willing to help. Characters that risk their safety for their friends are my weakness. Also, can’t wait to see the Wolf and the Ogre battle soon. This series is getting more exciting than I anticipated.