Good Pizza, Great Pizza
PM Studios
Genre: Simulation
Nintendo Switch
Growing up, I always liked simulation games that let me run a little shop or restaurant. Good Pizza, Great Pizza has a concept that is right up my alley. Players can start a pizza shop, make pizzas, and make money. Of course, making customers happy is a priority too. How does the game that’s already available on mobile hold up on the Nintendo Switch?
Good Pizza, Great Pizza starts the player off with humble beginnings. This allows for an easy tutorial where players are only allowed to make cheese pizzas. Good Pizza, Great Pizza splits its levels into days. Players work to please as many customers as they can before 9 pm when their store closes. Over the course of the first few days, the game will throw an extra ingredient or element of the game. Before too long, players will have the freedom to customize and grow their own pizza shop.
Every order starts with a customer telling the player what kind of pizza they want. Sometimes it’s straightforward, but other times it is vague. Players are free to ask for clarification, but it comes at the expense of some customer satisfaction. This will take away some tip money. Players will need to balance guessing what the customer wants and asking for a clear answer. It’s a fun balancing act that adds a bit of depth to the experience.
Taking too long to prepare a pizza also decreases satisfaction. Players can try to balance making multiple pizzas at once, but a lot can go wrong. As players get better at preparing their pizzas, they will be able to play more aggressively.
In between days, players can add new topics to their menu. They can also add upgrades to bring in more customers, make the days longer, or get better machinery. There are also cosmetic changes that can be brought to their store. Everything can be purchased with in-game currency. Despite Good Pizza, Great Pizza being a port of a mobile game, it doesn’t rely on paid DLC at all.
The progression throughout the game is enjoyable since players can make the game as difficult as they want. The controls do make the game more difficult than it should be. There are no touchscreen controls. Players will need to learn how to use the buttons on their controller. It’s certainly a challenge to be precise with placing toppings quickly. Still, it doesn’t make the game unenjoyable. Players will need to adapt to a bigger learning curve in the Nintendo Switch version.
Good Pizza, Great Pizza is a fun little simulation game. It’s not groundbreaking, but its a solid game for burning some time. Those who dream of running their own pizza shop should give Good Pizza, Great Pizza a try.
Good Pizza, Great Pizza