Gal*Gun Returns
Developer: Inti Creates
Publisher: PQube
Nintendo Switch
Gal*Gun Returns is a remaster of the original Gal Gun game, which never came out in the West. While some of the sequels have made their way to Western consoles, the original hasn’t been accessible until now. This remaster makes some visual improvements, adds voice acting, and a few extras that were originally downloadable content. All in all, it’s a fine remaster, but the game won’t appeal to everyone.
To say that Gal*Gun Returns has a niche audience is an understatement. It’s an on-rails shooter in which players shoot pheromones at girls to overwhelm them with euphoria. The protagonist needs to shoot said pheromones into the girls to avoid being overwhelmed by them. The lusty characters chasing the protagonist is a pure male fantasy and will rub most the wrong way. This is especially so when one considers the implied age of the characters.
Gal*Gun Returns features average gunplay, with rather basic shooting that doesn’t reinvent the wheel. The joycons are decent enough at shooters but aren’t exceptional when it comes to precision. Fortunately, this game doesn’t require any exceptional skill. The combination of the simple gameplay and mediocre controls makes the gameplay serviceable.
The gunplay itself isn’t what makes Gal*Gun Returns unique. It’s what the players are aiming at that makes this strange shooter stand out. Players will shoot at girls, aiming at specific parts of their bodies to elicit a certain bit of ecstasy out of them. The girls will try to cover themselves up, forcing players to shoot at other susceptible areas of their bodies until they reach a certain climax and explode.
As I mentioned earlier, this is a game that won’t appeal to everyone. It’s incredibly hollow and caters to a specific audience. Gal*Gun exists to titillate and elicit laughs. The gameplay is basic and the campaign isn’t too long. For those who dig what this game is all about though, there are a few extra features that will cater to players. There is a gallery mode that allows players to admire the characters’ bodies. There are also a few routes based on romantic options throughout the game’s story mode. There is also a score attack mode to “challenge” players, but the gameplay doesn’t make this mode too entertaining.
This package also includes all of the DLC from the game’s original release. This mostly just includes a few outfits and doesn’t add any depth to the game. If you are looking to put the characters in dresses, bikinis, or even ribbons, this is the package for you. All of the characters are also fully voiced, which is a nice little touch from a presentation perspective.
That presentation touch is also sort of an annoyance as most players will discover an hour or two into the game. The girls are constantly breathing loudly and moaning throughout the shooting sections. This in addition to the bland soundtrack makes Gal*Gun Returns a symphony of uncomfortable and annoying gaming. I’m not even sure that the game’s target audience will love how embarrassing it is to listen to this. Outside of the audio, Gal*Gun has a fine presentation, with good graphics and tons of visual stimuli. Just know that the presentation only enhances the game’s creepiness sometimes.
Gal*Gun is a decent remaster of a less-than-average shooter. It’s not going to revolutionize the genre for anyone, but if you want some fanservice, you’ve come to the right place. Just be prepared to leave your dignity at the door.
Gal*Gun Returns
Gal*Gun is a decent remaster of a less-than-average shooter. It's not going to revolutionize the genre for anyone, but if you want some fanservice, you've come to the right place. Just be prepared to leave your dignity at the door.