Friend Game Studio: Okuruto Noboru Genre: Psychological, Mystery Streaming: Crunchyroll Friend Game is a psychological mystery series which could…
Browsing: Mystery
Heaven’s Official Blessing Studio: Haoliners Animation League Genre: Historical, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery Streaming: Netflix Heaven Official’s Blessing (known in…
Odd Taxi Studio: OLM, P.I.C.S Genre: Mystery Streaming: Crunchyroll Odd Taxi was one of the anime which really stood out…
Jouran: The Princess of Snow and Blood Studio: Bakken Record Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Historical Streaming: Crunchyroll Jouran: The Princess…
Otherside Picnic Studio: LIDENFILMS and Felix Films Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi Streaming: Funimation Otherside Picnic is an anime that’s holding its…
Higurashi: When They Cry – Gou Mystery, Horror Passione Funimation Another season, another reboot of an old anime series… it…
Collar x Malice Idea Factory Visual novel Nintendo Switch Collar x Malice is a game which in otome circles has…
Raging Loop PQube Genre: Horror, Mystery, Visual Novel Platform: Nintendo Switch Seriously, what is it with PQube and visual novels…
Woodpecker Detective’s Office Studio: LIDENFILMS Genre: Mystery, Drama, Historical Streaming: Crunchyroll The detective genre seems to be rather popular at…
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Studio: PQube Genres: Visual Novel, Mystery, Puzzle Platform: Nintendo Switch In Kotodama: The 7…