BOOM! Studios is proud to reveal a first look at FOLKLORDS #4, the latest issue of an all-new original five-issue…
Browsing: Boom Studios
Once & Future #6 BOOM! Studios Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Dan Mora Once & Future was probably my favourite…
Red Mother #1 BOOM! Studios Writer: Jeremy Haun Artist: Danny Luckert BOOM! Studios has done a fine job of releasing…
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2019) #45 Boom! Studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45…
Rugrats: The Last Token BOOM! Studios Writer: Pranas T. Naujokaitis Artist: Maurizia Rubino Rugrats. One of the definitive cartoons of…
Plate Tectonics Boom! Studios Writer & Artist: Margaux Motin Plate Tectonics is a graphic memoir written and illustrated by Margaux…
Heartbeat #1 Boom! Studios Written and Illustrated by Maria Llovet Heartbeat is a macabre horror comic by Maria Llovet. Boom! Studios…
Folklords #1 BOOM Studios Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Matt Smith, Colorist: Chris O’Halloran If this first issue is anything to…
Giant Days: As Time Goes By #1 BOOM! Studios Writer: John Allison Artist: Max Sarin & Whitney Cogar This is…
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #44 BOOM! Studios Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: Daniele di Nicuolo Ask the general public what…