Publisher: Solis Game Studio
Designer: Brian McKay
Artist: Dan Mora
2 Players
Playtime: 5-10 Minutes
The Massive-Verse Fighting Card Game utilizes the Pocket Paragons system and uses the same ruleset and these characters can even be used with other Pocket Paragons characters.
A Quick How To Play
Each player selects a Paragon character and places their Character card and Ultimate card on the table, with other cards in their hand. Both players start with 10 HP and 0 energy, tracked using dials. The objective is simple: either bring your opponent’s HP to zero or execute them.
The gameplay consists of two main phases: the Selection Phase and the Resolution Phase. In the Selection Phase, both players secretly choose an ability card from their hand and reveal it simultaneously. The Resolution Phase involves checking for counters utilizing the game’s rock-paper-scissors mechanisms and resolving the effects of the abilities. This process continues until one player reaches 0 HP or gets executed. An execution occurs if a player uses a card that counters a rest.
Energy plays a crucial role in Pocket Paragons. You gain 1 energy each time you Rest or Counter an enemy ability. Once you accumulate enough energy, you gain access to your character’s Ultimate ability. Each character also has one or more Ultimate abilities, which can be passive or ability-based, and they become available as you reach the required energy threshold.
Onto the Massive-Verse Stuff
So what makes The Massive-Verse card game stand out from the rest of the Pocket Paragons lineup? As far as gameplay goes, there isn’t much new here. As usual, Solis does an excellent job at taking the characters it is given and creating unique moves that feel great to play with while also feeling thematic and flavorful. That’s no different here. We only got a hold of Radiant Black and Rogue Sun during our preview, but both have abilities from the comic books that feel great in Pocket Paragon. Both characters feel significantly different while having their own skill curves for players to experiment with.
Anyone who enjoys the Pocket Paragons engine will love adding these characters to their lineups, but this game is superb for fans of the comics. No Pocket Paragons set has production values this high. Every card has unique art, and the art takes up the full card. On top of that Dan Mora, one of the best artists in the industry today, illustrates the cards, Every card looks superb, and that alone makes this one of the most exciting sets to date.
That’s it for our brief preview. Stay tuned for more coverage, including a full review closer to launch.