Hey folks! Another month is in the books and comics are finally starting to release regularly again. Which books from June 2020 are our favorites?
Marcus Orchard – Adventureman #1
Few comic books bring together everything that makes the medium great so flawlessly. Adventureman #1 has it all: Stellar writing by Matt Fraction, gorgeous art by the Dodsons, and creative lettering by Clayton Cowles. It’s a modern take on pulp comics and it just feels good to read. This is one of the best debuts of the year, and anyone who has that sense of adventure will want to add Adventureman to their pull list.
Chris Green – Gokushufudou: Way of the Househusband #49
Alexander Cole – Batman: The Adventures Continue #1
This is just pure nostalgic fun. A continuation of the Batman Animated Series focusing on the return of Jason Todd? How could I resist? The art is very accurate to the cartoon and the main story with Batman tackling a giant robot and appearances from Lex Luthor and Mercy Graves just makes it even more fun. I adored this and I can’t wait to see this adventure continue.
Danilo Téo – Daredevil (2019) #20
The fuse to Zdarsky’s first big story arc has finally been lit. This chapter is an incredible display of how good a slow and planned build-up can feel whenever we reach the payoff. The issue is filled with resolutions and reveals and ends with the initial set up for the next story arc. Plus Checchetto and Iacono’s work makes this book an eyeful with an exceptional portrayal of heavy and fast-paced action.
Steven – Suicide Squad #6
You can tell by the cover, but Batman makes an appearance in this issue. It’s pretty great as far as Batman cameos go. The on-the-run Suicide Squad makes their way to Gotham, and attract the attention of the big bad bat. Along with him comes a $24 million dollar bounty on their heads, and as many assassins as you’d think. There’s an interesting development with Harley Quinn and Deadshot, two long term members of the team, and on top of it all, Batman and Deadshot fight. It’s every bit as awesome as you’d think it is. If you’re not reading this comic there’s no better time to start than now.
Ethan Maddux – Strange Adventures #2
As much as I enjoyed Strange Adventures #1, it didn’t hit me in such a way that I knew it would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with this team’s other hits. Issue #2, however, gave me much more of a sense of what I was reading and almost entirely quelled my doubts. It presents a thoughtful look at Mister Terrific’s character, as well as deepening the question of Adam’s guilt. Not to mention the art is spectacular, and both artists do an incredible job with the storytelling. While there are still ten issues left, meaning there’s potentially plenty of time to fall apart, I left this issue feeling like I was seeing another classic being rolled out before me.
Hunter Sandlin – Nailbiter Returns #1
Nailbiter Returns is the long-awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed series, Nailbiter. For me, however, it was my introduction to the Nailbiter series. I knew nothing about the series but picked it up because of interesting solicitation. After reading it, I was so interested in the story that I went back and read the entire Nailbiter series and then reread Nailbiter Returns #1. The concept of the series is captivating, the art style is unique, and the writing is engaging. As much as I enjoyed that issue the first time I read it, after getting caught up I realized how much was packed into it. Issue one of Nailbiter Returns offers a sequel to the original series while adding much more in the process.
Casey Woods – Devil Number 4 Episodes 80 – 84
My pick for best of the month has to be Devil Number 4, which happens to be a fan favorite as well, I think! Devil Number 4 has been a roller coaster of a comic, and for the month of June, every episode has left me wanting more. The last issue revealed a pretty major plot point, and I don’t want to spoil anything, but it got bloody. We’re really starting to see development for the whole cast of characters, and I personally can’t wait to see what all of their backstories are. Who wouldn’t be interested in learning why Angels are drifting away from God and falling from grace? Devil Number 4 deserves this spot as best of June, without a doubt, simply for the story progression and character development!