Chainsaw Man Chapter 139
Mangaka: Tatsuki Fujimoto
Publisher: VIZ Media
The previous chapter of Chainsaw Man entertained us with a ridiculous new bodyguard for Denji. The chapter was mostly chatter, but it helped readers to get to know Fumiko while also getting to know Asa and War just a little more. Of course, the cliffhanger with “Sword Man” set the stage for the next exciting arc, as Denji might be forced to pull Chainsaw Man back out.
I don’t know what I expected from this chapter, but I think it involved a touch more conflict. Instead, this entire issue is Sword Man convincing Chainsaw Man to join the church. As expected from Fujimoto, this chapter is entertaining from start to finish, even without a bit of action. We see Denji in a compromising and familiar position that is starting to be a gag at this point, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The dialogue itself is funny from start to finish. I’m always saying that Denji is seeing a lot of character growth and while it isn’t blatantly obvious in chapters like this, the changes are there. Denji still has no respect for himself, but there is much more restraint there. His new bodyguard also gets some good dialogue, and while we don’t learn anything substantial about her, the personality is beginning to shine through her little comments here and there. Even Sword Man is off to a likable start as he connects with Denji through shared experiences.
The panels and art are as dynamic as they can be for an issue that isn’t anything more than dialogue. Everything flows nicely. Denji is so emotive that you can nearly guarantee an expression that is worth a screenshot on every other page.
Chainsaw Man 139 is another fun issue that gives Denji a new frontier to explore. With the next chapter only a week away, readers won’t need to wait long to see what happens next.
Bonus: Best Denji face of the chapter
Chainsaw Man 139
Like It
The Good
- Those faces
- The characters are developing nicely
The Bad
- No action, but we can live with that