Winter Soldier #1
Marvel Comics
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Rod Reis
The Winter Soldier is one of the characters that’s just been kind of floating around in the Marvel Universe for a bit. He was the leader of the Thunderbolts for a while, then Secret Empire happens, and he plays his part in it. More recently he’s made a small appearance in the newest Captain America series, but that’s been it, pretty much. Now he’s headlining his own miniseries.
Bucky Barnes was a killer as the Winter Soldier, but he got a second chance at life. Now he’s giving other people in dangerous situations a second chance of their own. Aided by Sharon Carter and other heroes, Bucky rescues a police officer from a group of dirty cops.
I like Bucky doing an underground “witness protection” kind of program. Of all the characters in the Marvel Universe, I think he’s the most appropriate for something like this. Being that this is just a five issue series, things get to the point. Bucky has a flashback to a memory he can’t fully remember (that I’m sure will play a big part). We know who the villain is, at least this initial one. I do feel like this issue is on the short side. I can’t really pin down why, and it might just be me. Other than that this issue builds the foundation for what’s to come in this series.
I like the art, but I don’t think it’s a good fit for the tone of this series. I’ve read books with art by Rod Reis before, and I do enjoy it. There’s a couple of moments in this issue where Bucky has a flashback and a dream. Those moments the art fits since it’s more dreamlike. It isn’t bad, far from it, but for an ex-spy/assassin it doesn’t fit. Another positive thing is that I do like the character design. It’s not too much of a deal breaker, but I generally don’t like when a comic tries to replace the characters look with their movie look. It’s not too different in the case of the Winter Soldier, but I much prefer the comic book bandit mask. This is just the first issue, so I might grow to like it more by the end.
At the end of the day, I do like this issue. It’s got its problems, but what comic doesn’t. Kyle Higgins is a great writer, and the premise of this story has a lot of potential. The actual events in the comic have my interest to ride out this series to its conclusion, for sure. And while I don’t think the art is a perfect fit, it’s nothing I’d consider bad, and definitely has its moments. If you like the character, or the writer, or the artist, I think you’ll like this comic.
Winter Soldier (2018-) #1
Winter Soldier #1 has an interesting premise and is a good start for it. The art isn't bad but doesn't exactly match the tone of the comic.