Weapon H #6
Marvel Comics
Writer: Greg Pak
Artist: Ario Anindito
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: giving the Hulk Wolverine claws sounds like it came from a 10-year-old. What’s next, giving Wolverine fire claws? With that out of the way, I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t enjoy Weapon H. It’s a silly concept that they’ve made work, and on top of that, it’s fun.
After being on the run from Roxxon, Weapon H, Clay, is reunited with his wife. Before they can leave, CEO of Roxxon, Dario Agger, offers to pay Weapon H for his services. Roxxon has opened up a portal to Weird World, and monsters are coming through. When Roxxon doesn’t just power down the portal, it’s up to Weapon H to stop the monsters from attacking innocent people.
I think it’s the characters that make me like this book so much. No one’s “dumb” for the sake of the plot. I fully expected we’d see Weapon H travel to Weird World for at least this issue. Instead, everybody realizes Roxxon is keeping the portal open for monetary reasons, and decide to just walk away. There’s even the trope of the two heroes initially fighting before teaming up, but it takes three or four pages before Captain America apologizes and teams up with Clay.
The story itself is a little light though. I think, if you were to put this issue on a timeline, it covers five or ten minutes of actual time. They talk with Dario Agger, leave the building, and then from the parking lot fight the escaped monsters. From there they head to a nearby schoolyard where they fight, and team up with Captain America. Some stuff happens in those few minutes, but not much. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but like I said, it feels a little light.
The art in this issue is really good. Cory Smith’s art wasn’t bad, but I think Ario Anindito is a better fit for Weapon H. Faces on people look a little more detailed and unique compared to everyone else. The monsters that come out of the portal look cool, as well as both Man-Thing and the Brood-hybrid guy, are nicely drawn. My biggest complaint would have to be about Captain America. It’s not even a complaint, but in a few panels, he looks like he just has pure white eyes with no color. It’s only for a few panels, but it stuck out to me.
This is a good issue. The series found it’s stride around the third issue and has kept that momentum. Despite my initial thoughts about the character, Weapon H is a fun and enjoyable book. If you happen to be reading this, but not Weapon H, I’d recommend you give Weapon H a fair shot.
Weapon H #6
With a new artist and likeable characters, Weapon H #6 continues to be an enjoyable book.