The Walking Dead #185
Image Comics
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Charlie Adlard
2018’s penultimate issue of The Walking Dead sees Rick’s and Dwight’s feud growing while offering us some more insight into the life in the Commonwealth. There’s also a small sequence featuring Carl and Sophia, but we’ll get to that later on.
As we saw in the last issue, Dwight is seriously considering taking over the Commonwealth with Rick. Unfortunately for him, Rick is not on the same page. The constant fight has made him weary he and wants to preserve the life in the Commonwealth. He, too, is aware of the inequality in the Commonwealth, but force is not the only way to achieve change. In short, Rick has realized the downsides of hostility and violence, and he’s considering the long game. The two men part ways and Kirkman sets off to show us two different aspects of the city – the leisure and comfort the community is providing, and the growing unrest on the streets.
The Ups
Kirkman is excellently building a political (and ideological) conflict. Both Rick and Dwight have a point and it’s hard to pick a side. I doubt we will have to pick a side, as everything points to the two men ending up on the same side (again), but the way their points are presented is interesting, engaging and gives the reader pause. But who knows, we might end up with an all-new, all-different CIVIL WAR™. Kirkman has always been great at dialogues and I doubt this conflict would be as engaging as it is if it weren’t for that.
As always, Charlie Adlard does a decent job. There is not really much to go on, no breathtaking scenes and vistas, but the art is pleasant enough to look at and the paneling keeps the book flows nicely.
The Downs
What’s with the Carl and Sophia interaction? Why is it here? Do we really need a teenage drama subplot in a book about rebuilding civilization, with an ever-growing cast of characters? I’m all for character growth, but having three pages of a person complaining about not losing their virginity seems just… wasteful.
The last ten (hell, maybe more) have all ended with a faux cliffhanger and this issue doesn’t feel any different. There’s always a SHOCKING TURN OF EVENTS at the end, which is always resolved in the first two or three pages of the next issue. No repercussions whatsoever. It’s become a tiresome and predictable affair and I honestly hope it will end soon. However, the team hinted there will be a huge event in the first few pages of the next issue. I look forward to that.
#185 doesn’t break the mold the team made a while ago. The book is still enjoyable with its good characters, great dialogue and decent art. But unnecessary subplots, “edginess” and underdelivering on the expectations constantly plague the overall experience. The Walking Dead has had a really slow year, but I’m cautiously optimistic it will be worth it.
The Walking Dead #185
The book is still good with its great characters, fantastic dialogue and decent art. But unnecessary subplots, “edginess” and underdelivering on the expectations constantly plague the overall experience.