The Silencer (2018-) #12
DC Comics
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Jack Herbert
It’s been just about a year since The SIlencer first made her debut in comics. We’re two story arcs deep in the series, but it really feels like the end of the first chapter. Because of a civil war within her organization, Talia Al Ghul drags her best assassin back into her old life. But the Silencer just wants her ordinary life, with her husband and son.
In The Silencer #12, we finally see the “conclusion” to the Leviathan civil war. Tali Al Ghul is back on top, with everyone else bowing down to her. The only person who won’t is, of course, Honor Guest, The Silencer. Still fighting to try and keep her normal life with her husband and son, the Silencer faces down Talia and a room full of assassins.
I really dig the art in this issue. The husband of the Silencer, Blake, shows a lot of emotion, where in previous issues he’s just been kind of neutral/happy looking. And that extends to the rest of the main characters, who all have expressive faces. We see a room full of generic-ish looking assassins. But, there’s still a good spectrum of design/costume running from human to cyborg/robot to other. The action is clean and after fighting a room full of armed assassins, the Silencer looks like she fought a room full of assassins. Add to that great colors and use of shadows, and this is some of the best art in the series.
Oh boy, I did not see the ending to this coming. Talia Al Ghul offers her protection for the Silencer’s family, only if the Silencer returns to work for her. To save her family, she has to leave them. AND IF THAT WEREN’T ENOUGH Talia stabs the Silencer in the back. Except it’s in her chest. It’s obviously not the end of the character (there’s a Lazarus pit close by) but boy is it an exciting cliffhanger. It’s a good next step for the character and the story. All Honor Guest wants is to be with her family and keep them safe. But now to keep them safe she can’t be with them.
I think this issue is a great example of why The Silencer is consistently one of my favorite DC books. Jack Herbert gives us some of the best art the series has seen. Dan Abnett knows how to tell a good story, and this one is heading in a good direction. If you’re not already, you should definitely be reading The Silencer
The Silencer #12
The Silencer #12 sees the end of the Leviathan civil war, and the close of the series second story arc. Good writing and characters, and some of the best art the series has seen.