Scales & Scoundrels has been an absolute joy to read since the first issue. Sebastian Girner and Galaad’s fantasy world stands out from others due to simplistic world building and unmatched charm. Following a few quieter issues that emphasized world-building and Luvander’s story, Scales & Scoundrels #11 takes a somber look at Dorma following her brother’s tragic end.
“Rites of Separation” is the story of Dorma returning home to deliver news to her parents. Here, Dorma must defend her brother’s actions as well as her own beliefs as she challenges her people’s norms. Girner uses dialogue to naturally progress the story as well as expose readers to the culture and beliefs of Dorma’s home. Outside of the excellent dialogue, this issue also introduces many characters that all feel unique and alive with little exposure throughout the pages.
The latter half of the issue covers Dorma performing rites for her brother, challenging fears and insecurities that she has carried for throughout her life. From here, the book moves at a much faster pace, with less dialogue and more action. The issue uses simple panel layouts to tell the story, filled with expressive faces and telling moments. Galaad’s art makes the book progress as naturally as possible. Every panel is clear and shows the reader just the right moment. Towards the end the panels are slightly manipulated, shaking about the page due to the action on the page, eventually leading to an effective final page.
Unfortunately, while the second half of the issue is wonderful artistically, the first half doesn’t stand out as much. The issue is still gorgeous from cover to cover, but some of the panels don’t pop as much as they usually do. Some panels are missing detail in the backgrounds, while others suffer from many characters having the same faces. This issue just feels like it was somewhat rushed, but still looks wonderful.
Scales & Scoundrels gives an insightful look at one of the series’ most interesting characters. Readers will find a new appreciation for Dorma if they don’t already treasure her.
Scales & Scoundrels #11
Scales & Scoundrels gives an insightful look at one of the series’ most interesting characters. Readers will find a new appreciation for Dorma if they don’t already treasure her.