Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: David Pepose
Artists: Carlos Magno & Espen Grundetjern
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
David Pepose has been a writer to watch since Spencer & Locke. Since then, the talented writer has worked on a slew of strong projects like Going to the Chapel and Scout’s Honor. Pepose finally has the opportunity to work on a Marvel project with Savage Avengers #1. Pepose is joined by artist Carlos Magno, colorist Espen Grundetjern, and letterer Travis Lanham.
Savage Avengers #1 teams up Conan the Barbarian with a roster of antiheroes as they take on Deathlok. Pepose ties everyone together as neatly as one could expect in so little time. Their motivations are clear, and the narrator throughout the issue fits the tone of the books well. Characters like Anti-Venom and Daredevil are welcome here due to their chemistry, but seeing more obscure characters like Weapon H and Black Knight is certainly nice. Cloak and Dagger are thrown in for good measure, and Pepose writes the duo rather well in this debut.
The premise is fun, and this debut’s script is non-stop action. Carlos Magno brings the initial battle with Deathlok to life with fantastic work. The action on the panels looks great, with strong poses and a perspective that gives the reader all they need to see. In between the panels is just enough for readers to imagine motion without needing to work to fill in the blanks. This is a script full of combat and narration, so its success hinges on great sequential art. Fortunately, Magno nails it.
Grundetjern compliments Magno well, not only adding depth to the art, but also using optimal palettes for setting tones. Fierce reds and oranges fill the backgrounds of panels. Power signatures look great with blues and purples behind them, and despite how mellow these colors can be, the feeling of action is never stifled. Lanham takes advantage of the unique voices of the characters with great lettering and boxes. There isn’t any earth-shattering lettering, but Lanham’s work still adds to the experience and doesn’t take away from any panel.
Savage Avengers #1 is a non-stop thrill ride that makes the best of the characters it uses. Pepose and the rest of the creative team all shine here, and fans of antiheroes will want to add this to their pull lists.
Savage Avengers #1
Savage Avengers #1 is a non-stop thrill ride that makes the best of the characters it uses. Pepose and the rest of the creative team all shine here, and fans of antiheroes will want to add this to their pull lists.