Jeepers Creepers #5
Dynamite Entertainment
Writer: Marc Andreyko
Artist: Kewber Baal
The Jeepers Creepers comic has not lived up to its hype in these five issues. It has given us a nowhere story with some useless flashbacks. We don’t care about Devon’s character enough to get behind him and root for him during his battle with the Creeper. I have reached out to Dynamite Entertainment to inquire of this was the final issue. I have currently not heard back from them, but if it isn’t the final issue, it very well could be.
In this issue, Devon squares off against the Creeper in his lair. Per the usual, Devon doesn’t seem to have any fear and seems more interested in his one-liners and comedic thoughts. Since the last four issues were lacking in storytelling and character building, this fight has no stakes. It also falls into the pit of a cliched ending, and the book has hit so many tropes in its five-issue run that it feels familiar at every turn.
Marc Andreyko might have a good story in him, but Jeepers Creepers isn’t that story. The brand has already soured fans after three movies, and this comic book is just helping drive the franchise into the ground. He can handle the dialogue and the quips, but the story isn’t here. I don’t enjoy bashing writers or artists, but this series just didn’t have the steam from the beginning. During this penultimate showdown, it should have been a man fighting for his life, but it feels more like Zack Morris (look it up kids) fighting the Creeper.
For everything I think Andreyko did wrong, Kewber Baal has been a solid artist here. Some of the art feels artificial, and some of the art is very well done. His shining scene was back in the first issue, but his Creeper is exceptional. The coloring has been a bit off throughout this series, but the designs have been great.
I will make my conclusion brief since the above text, and my previous reviews have beaten this horse dead. Jeepers Creepers is a failing movie franchise that needed to be left alone after its first installment. Hollywood being who they are went to the well twice and only kept making the movies worse. Perhaps we could have gotten more of the Creeper’s backstory as we got in Issue #1, and less of the college student writing his thesis. As it stands now, if this is the finale, then I cannot recommend this to readers.
Jeepers Creepers #5
Jeepers Creepers #5 suffers from the same tired storyline and with this being a showdown issue with our hero and villain, it carries no wait.