Injustice 2 #65
DC Comics
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Xermancio
“I match your strength. You cannot match my intellect. You are only a Kryptonian….of which I have killed billions.”
I want to start off this review by saying I love Brainiac. He’s a really aesthetically pleasing and interesting villain, and any time he appears (and is written well) I’m beyond happy. And playing the game I thought “Hey wow, Brainiac is awesome in this!” With all that in mind, I can say that I was very pleased with this latest issue of Injustice 2.
We continue on with the storyline of the Battle of Oa and its aftermath. With the Green Lanterns emerging somewhat victorious after being rallied by Hal Jordan, we follow this week’s adventure with Teen Titan members Superboy and Wonder Girl who have now crossed paths with Brainiac’s-totally-not-evil-looking-skull-drones-of-destruction. We finally start tying a bit more into the game. But it’s just a small toe-dip into what’s inevitably going to come. And let’s just say this, it’s going to get messy. Like I said, Taylor writes a pretty terrifying Brainiac; cold, calculating, and emotionless, and while my interest has been peaked Taylor he’s going following the game’s storyline, I have a feeling we’re not going to be seeing a huge amount of the Coluan.
Character moments in this are great. Yeah, okay, I’m a little biased. I just want to talk about Brainiac. I’m sorry I had a little fanboy moment, but to be fair he’s featured heavily in this issue so I’m going to talk about him. As stated above he plays his cold and calculating self, and you really do feel the danger when he’s around. But also credit to Superboy standing his ground against the supervillain. This isn’t delving into spoiler territory but being a Conner Kent fan must really suck; he’s not in the main title and in this universe he’s being flailed around by evil alien androids. Give him a break, guys, please? Another honorable mention should go to Hal (and Guy Ghostner (I’m sorry, I tried. I really did)), hopefully, his redemption arc continues because I’m loving it.
Art is by Xermancio again and there are some cool shots throughout the story, the action giving plenty of energy. And yes, he draws a terrifying Brainiac and Atrocitus. Some solid stuff and honestly just makes me wish the whole series was drawn by him.
Overall, the latest few issues of Injustice have been enjoyable and seem to be progressing the story more. Judging by the cover art it seems we’re going to be following Blue and Gold in taking down Red Lantern Starro which I’m excited for, but the end of this issue does nothing but promise something good for the FUTURE (wink wink). Taylor’s been keeping me entertained so far and I look forward to next week. Let’s just hope he keeps this momentum.
Injustice 2 #65
It's Injustice at its best. It can do better but it can also do so much worse. Worth a read, especially if you like the game.