Hulkverines #3
Marvel Comics
Writer: Greg Pak
Artist: Ario Anindito
The Incredible Hulk is the strongest one there is. Wolverine is the best at what he does, and what he does isn’t nice. But, what happens if you give the Hulk Wolverine’s claws? Or you give Wolverine the Hulk’s strength? You get Weapon H, aka the Hulkverine. In this three-issue miniseries, forces are working against Weapon H and put him in conflict with Wolverine and the Hulk.
The Leader (classic enemy of the Hulk) wants the Hulk dead, so he leads the Hulk to Weapon H. Dario Agger wants to kill Weapon H, so he tricks Wolverine into fighting him. The trio has their fight, as all superheroes do when they first meet but eventually calm down enough to work together against their manipulators. Unfortunately, The Leader and Dr. Alba (creator of Weapon H) capture the Hulk and Wolverine and turn them once more against Weapon H.
This issue is… something. I don’t think it’s “bad” but more than anything I think it feels short. The ending is left very open but there’s no real feeling of conclusion, at least to me. Without getting into too much detail, by the end of the issue, the antagonists of the story just get away. Not only that but they get a happy ending. There’s a final “oh no, Weapon H is in trouble” moment but it’s swept away literally on the next page. The main event of this story, Weapon H fighting Wolverine and the Hulk, is only three pages long.
Even though the three-way Hulkverine fight is short, it looks good. I think the art throughout is good. It’s not my favorite style, but I don’t have any complaints about it. I like the colors in the issue also, but it’s got its own ups and downs to it. On some pages, the colors have nice contrast and tone to them. On others, there’s a wash that makes it look dull. I don’t think the art is bad, but there are things that could be better.
Despite how ridiculous the concept is, I really like the Weapon H character. He’s a fun character that I think could make a good addition to the wider Marvel Universe. That being said, this whole Hulkverines story didn’t really do much. And with this being the final issue of the mini-series, it’s kind of a let down that nothing major happens in it. We get a small fight between the Hulk, Wolverine and Weapon H, but it is a short fight. Mostly this just feels like a lot of set up for a future story. I think if you’re a fan of the previous Weapon H series, you’ll enjoy this.
Hulkverines (2019-) #3
Hulkverines #3 concludes the miniseries, but doesn't have a very solid ending, and lacks in some places with the art.