House of X #6
Marvel Comics
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Pepe Larraz & Marte Gracia
“Just look at what we have made.”
Man, things have changed so much since the first issue of House of X. Now that we are in the end, I’m glad to say that every surprise, fight, and conversation was absolutely worth it.
Xavier and Magneto’s vision for Krakoa is nearly complete, and all that’s left is the politics. Jonathan Hickman gives readers an issue full of dialogue as Krakoa’s laws are ironed out. The reader gets to meet most of the council, and the dynamics between the various characters is absolutely entertaining. While Hickman’s House and Powers miniseries have been full of content, this issue focuses on delivering tons of fanservice to readers. Longtime X-Men fans will find plenty to love here as the characters engage in banter while trying to push their agendas into Krakoa’s lawbooks. Everyone is well-written, further showing off Hickman’s understand of this massive roster.
I don’t want to spoil much, but there is a brief trial in this issue that has a wildly different tone than the rest of the issue. The first half is just entertaining, and the second half is a party, but the trial is simply dark. These few pages show just how much Xavier and company have changed. The original dream for the X-Men is gone, and now all they can do is guarantee their survival. Hickman manages to show the trust that the characters have for Xavier in so little time. Xavier has changed so much in just a few issues to the point where he is nearly unrecognizable. Still, there are little moments here and there that remind readers who is under the helmet. The new take is daring but it works thanks to proper setup and execution.
Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia help to bring the council and party to life. Larraz draws a lot of mutants in this issue, and aside from one or two slightly off panels, everyone looks fantastic. Most of the panels follow a simple format this time around, but it works well with the script. Gracia’s colors really bring the party to the end of the issue. The fireworks are gorgeous and the shading is superb. It’s incredible how well this creative team has kept up with Hickman’s writing, making House of X a true marriage of literature and art.
Issue #6 is the last issue of House of X, but Hickman still has a little story left to tell. Powers of X #6 will conclude the story next week. I can’t wait to see how everything ends. Until then, enjoy the party that Hickman, Larraz, and Gracia has thrown for us and the mutants.
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House of X #6
Issue #6 is the last issue of House of X, but Hickman still has a little story left to tell. Powers of X #6 will conclude the story next week. I can't wait to see how everything ends. Until then, enjoy the party that Hickman, Larraz, and Gracia has thrown for us and the mutants.