Excalibur #9
Marvel Comics
Writer: Tini Howard
For the majority of readers, Excalibur and Fallen Angels have been the weaker Dawn of X books so far. I’ve enjoyed Excalibur, but it comes with so many flaws that I can’t blame most people for dropping the book already. The series has some sound pieces in place, but writer Tini Howard hasn’t been able to put all of them together for a truly compelling read. It certainly doesn’t help that the book can be hard to follow, leaving all but the most dedicated fans confused.
Excalibur #9 is one of the stronger issues in the series, setting the stage for the next arc. This has always been one of the least grounded X-Men titles, focusing on magic and rich lore rather than the characters themselves. The ninth chapter starts off relaxing enough and allows the team to have a few intimate moments before the action cranks up again. It’s a nice break that feels like a reminder of the great characters that make up this team.
The action fills the pages in the second half of the book and has a few great moments. Artist Marcus To ensures that everything is easy to follow despite the somewhat messy script. Jubilee fans will be especially delighted to see that the character gets on of her best moments in recent memory.
The scene I’m referring too is spectacular. It’s flashy and looks incredible thanks to the artistic team. The rest of the issue looks great too. The characters have consistent expressions and poses that make everything feel natural. The vibrant colors by Erick Arciniega really shine throughout, adding tons of depth to the panels.
This is one of the stronger entries in a series that should be great but struggles to put everything together. A few great character moments steal the show, and the action looks great thanks to the creative team. Since this is the strongest issue in a bit, it might be worth to check this series out to see if it is a good fit. Just be ready to be a bit confused.
Excalibur #9
This is one of the stronger entries in a series that should be great but struggles to put everything together. A few great character moments steal the show, and the action looks great thanks to the creative team. Since this is the strongest issue in a bit, it might be worth to check this series out to see if it is a good fit. Just be ready to be a bit confused.