Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #7
DC Comics
Writers: Gerard Way & Jeremy Lambert
Artist: Nick Derington
Much like every other comic this year, Doom Patrol: Weight of The Worlds suffered from quite a few delays. All of that waiting just made this series finale even more exciting. Since the previous issue came out last year, I ended up forgetting a couple of things from the series (like a main character being turned into a planet – normal Doom Patrol stuff). But it is finally here! Gerard Way’s second Doom Patrol run is over and we can only hope they give him a third.
At first Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds seems all over the place and pretty pointless. After reading a few issues, however, you start to realize it’s a unique run and shouldn’t be compared to its predecessor. The 2016 run was Way building up his team and making his mark on the Doom Patrol. Fast forward to Weight of the Worlds and his team is already set and ready to go. Instead of a few major story arcs, this run focuses on loosely lied together one-off stories. Once you realize what WOTW is doing, you’ll start to have a better appreciation for it.
In the finale issue of the series, we are given yet another one-off feeling story that is told masterfully. In the short 22 pages, we’re presented with a fun storytelling device, every character gets to participate, and the run gets a soft conclusion. I say soft because it’s written with a set up for another fun story that we may or may not ever get. The issue starts with a confusing scene of our characters in Jane’s Underground and alluding to something about time travel. Within the next several pages you’re clued into what all is going on. A lesser writer would have decided to explain what happened at the end and completely ruin the effect. Way and Lambert, however, show you what you need to be shown and tells you only what they have to, making a much more engaging story. Without giving anything away, the issue ends with yet another major character change. It seems like Way and Lambert have a story to follow it but we may never get to see it.
For the very last issue of WOTW, DC decided to bring back the artist from Way’s first Doom Patrol run. One of the most common complaints about Weight of the Worlds has been the art, especially that it wasn’t Derington’s art. His work was so strong in the 2016 run that fans struggled to get on board with any new artist. It goes without saying but this issue is absolutely gorgeous. Not only does Derington kill it but colorist Tara Bonvillian and letterer Simon Bowland do an amazing job as well. The desert-like planet they are on feels so lifeful and exciting. The dialogue is presented in a way that you never feel overwhelmed. Looking back at the book after I first finished it, I was shocked to realize how wordy it was. When we are in the Underground, everything is darkened, tinted blue, and the negative page space is solid black. Every time you see someone there, you can feel how cold it is.
Considering this run was cut short early, it doesn’t seem likely that we will get another Gerard Way Doom Patrol anytime soon. Perhaps the series will get passed along to Jeremy Lambert and we’ll get to see what he can do on is own. Either way, I can’t wait to reread Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds when it comes out in trade. Anyone following Way’s work on Doom Patrol will be happy with this issue and everyone else should go get caught up.