Image Comics
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Wes Craig
Colors: Lee Loughridge
Bring on the end.
Rick Remender and Wes Craig’s assassin high school opus has embarked on its final arc, aptly titled “A Fond Farewell.” Though, if #49 is any indication, readers are likely in for more farewells than fondness.
The issue begins with a bit of a time jump, though nothing on the decade-hopping scale of “Save Your Generation.” While that arc may have felt, at times, like the Deadly Class team was rushing towards an ending, it now appears Kings Dominion had simply served its purpose. Remender has had years to position his remaining cast for an explosive climax, and the detonation feels nigh.
Whatever grand finale Deadly Class might have in store, it’s not apparent this early in the arc. #49 focuses exclusively on Marcus and Saya. In fact, Marcus has not only lost interest in killing Reagan, but feels lingering villains Shabnam and Brandy have already suffered the ultimate punishment: living as themselves. His exact motivations for finding Saya are suggested, but taking Deadly Class at face value is a fool’s errand.
While Marcus has outgrown a few of his younger obsessions, he’s far from a complete work. As Saya puts it: “Your cynicism is boring. While not surprising, it is still disappointing that you never outgrew it.”
Marcus and Saya, along with a still MIA Maria, are the banner characters of Deadly Class. While they’ve had massive impacts on one another, it’s been quite a while since they’ve had a meaningful interaction, especially prior to their showdown during finals. This extended sit down and philosophical catch up is a nice way to re-establish a dynamic between the two before sorting things once and for all.
Art in Deadly Class #49 is a mixed bag. The opening pages exist in the Deadly Class sweet spot and Louhridge’s colors are on point, particularly when it comes to a harrowing detox sequence. However, a dinner scene takes up the bulk of the story and consists of basic layouts and rough character sketches. The ensuing evening of passion is a bit more dynamic, but the total package feels underwhelming.
Based on covers for future issues, it seems Saya’s story will reach a conclusion next month. Marcus has ulterior motives, though whether they will benefit or destroy Saya is unclear. It’s hard to judge this issue independent of that finish, but the stage has been set.
A fine issue with some great interactions between Saya and Marcus, but one that seems married to #50. Bring on the end!