Deadly Class #36
Image Comics
Writer: Rick Remender
Artists: Wes Craig & Jordan Boyd
It’s been a while since the last issue of Deadly Class, but that doesn’t mean the series has been irrelevant. The comic series took a small break as Rick Remender focused on getting the television series set up, which is scheduled to begin on January 23rd on SYFY. Now, the comic book series is back on track, and Remender promises that the next ten issues will be a wild ride.
The next arc or two might get a little crazy, but Deadly Class #36 is an introspective look at Marcus’ journey so. While some would simply call this issue (Part one of “Never Go Back”) to be a flashback issue, it feels like much more. Instead of just recapping everything, Marcus goes through a painful internal journey full of all of the adversity and loss he has faced so far. Every significant event that has happened to Marcus so far is recapped here but twisted awfully due to his state of mind. The twisting is where the issue really shines.
Every grotesque image that Marcus’ mind cooks up is wonderfully created thanks to Wes Craig and Jordan Boyd. Artistically, this is one of the best issues I’ve ever seen, with incredible spreads, layouts that effectively display everything that haunts Marcus. Craig shifts styles throughout based on Marcus’ thoughts, with some pages being simply horrifying, while others carry a bit of bliss with them. Some pages have lines that sharpen the biting monologues, while others utilize bold lines to depict metal panels that practically have metal guitars shredding in the background.
After such a long break, it is somewhat disappointing there isn’t any plot progression in the issue. While we get a good look at the Marcus’ mind, we don’t actually learn anything new either. The same few points are repeated throughout the issue, and they have certainly been visited many times throughout the series.
Deadly Class is back, but it isn’t the strongest return. There isn’t a lot of new information for readers to take in, and the story doesn’t progress until the last couple of pages. Fortunately, Wes Craig and Jordan Boyd make this issue with it with stellar art.
Deadly Class #36
The art makes up for the lack of progression in what is basically a pretty recap issue.