Crowded #1
Image Comics
Writer: Christopher Sebela
Artists: Ro Stein & Triona Farrell
What if crowdfunding allowed for shady projects such as funding hits? Crowded takes on the idea and rolls with it, making for a fun and mysterious read that genuinely feels fresh.
Crowded #1 introduces readers to Charlie, a young woman who makes a living off of job apps, and Vita, her personal bodyguard. Crowded takes place in a world with an economy that relies solely on apps and job shares. Unfortunately for Charlie, Reapr is a crowdfunding platform for assassinations, and she is the next million dollars hit. Vita is hired by Charlie via the Dfend app, and the two have to manage to stay alive through Charlie’s 30-day campaign.
Sebela takes the interesting concept and makes it his own. The debut issue begins with fast pacing, with an attempt on Charlie’s life on the very first page. The script juggles being a mystery, comedy, and action series as the characters try to both survive and figure out why Charlie is even being funded.
The issue is fun and genuinely thrilling as the readers get to know the characters in their grave situation. Both of the characters have potential, with a lot shrouded in mystery. Charlie is especially curious, as it seems that she has some serious skeletons locked away. Vita is cool and calculated but appears to have a soft side hidden away for some reason.
The pacing is a bit shaky, and the issue loses a bit of momentum during the latter half due to a step back for establishing the mystery of the book. The decision is interesting, and it allows the reader to get absorbed into the action of the issue before going through any slow character introductions. The creative decision mostly works, but it does somewhat impede the anticipation for the next issue. Otherwise, this issue has a strong script and is enjoyable from beginning to end.
The issue looks great from cover to cover due to a creative team with incredible chemistry. The pencils and inking look clean but hectic, while the colors exaggerate the events in each panel. Ro Stein and Triona Farrell are a great team, and successfully establish the intended mood of the issue. Every artistic choice in this issue fits the theme perfectly, making the issue almost look like it belongs on a smartphone app. Everything down to the speech bubbles and lettering looks modern and slick, while also making the issue easy to read.
Crowded #1 is a successful debut to an original series. Its timely, fun, and exciting. This is an easy recommendation for fans of summer blockbuster comedies and for those who want a little mystery sprinkled into their action.
Crowded #1
Crowded #1 is a successful debut to an original series. Its timely, fun, and exciting. This is an easy recommendation for fans of summer blockbuster comedies and for those who want a little mystery sprinkled into their action.