Captain America (2018-) #2
Marvel Comics
Writer: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Artist: Leinil Francis Yu
There’s a line of dialogue that describes my feelings for this issue:
“You’ve said that already.”
Admittedly it’s a simple line, but it sums up my feelings perfectly. Rather than move the story forward, this issue largely hits the same beats that the first issue did. I mean, except for locations and the exact dialogue, it’s really beat for beat the same story. Captain America #1 is one of my favorite comics of the year so far, but this second one did not reach the bar its predecessor set. The issue opens with Captain America fighting off an attack by Nuke soldiers. In the aftermath, he has words with Thunderbolt Ross. The rest of the issue is him talking with Sharon Carter, and questioning his place in the world after Secret Empire. That’s the first problem. This issue follows that exact same path. The difference this time we don’t get any further information on the Russian “Power Elite,” who are supposedly the new villains for this run.
Don’t get me wrong; I liked this issue. I don’t hide the fact that Cap is my favorite superhero, but Ta-Nehisi Coates retreads the same water as the first issue. I still like that Cap is trying to be the same Cap in a different world. Coates has a handle on who Captain America is, he just wants to do what’s right, and he always will. But all the promise from the last issue went nowhere. Now, at the end of this one, it seems like the story is ready to take off and go somewhere. Leinil Francis Yu’s art is as great as it was in the first issue. It has a very dynamic look and feel to it that works well in the action sequences. Cap looks good fighting in this. The Nuke soldiers, while admittedly generic and the exact same, look good. The rest of the issue, where it’s mainly Sharon Carter and Cap talking, are well done. My only gripe is with some of the close-ups in some panels. It’s really line-heavy and has some grit to it that makes everyone look really somber. It kind of fits the mood of the story, but it’s just a minor gripe.
Overall, I like this issue. Not as much as the first, but I like it. I think Coates has an interesting story to tell. I like his Black Panther as well. Thinking back on it, it was a slow build before the first arc felt like it was truly over. That’s what I’m thinking will happen with this Captain America series. The art is good, and the premise is good. We just haven’t gone anywhere yet, and I’m hoping the next issue picks it up.
Captain America (2018-) #2
Captain America #2 follows the same path as the first issue, with almost no deviations. The art is good and Coates understands Cap, but the story itself doesn’t go anywhere.