Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Zeb Wells
Artists: John Romita Jr. & Marcio Menyz
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
After a disappointing first issue, Zeb Wells’ Amazing Spider-Man has picked up momentum. The second half of the previous issue was full of energy and exciting, and this carries forward throughout the entirety of Amazing Spider-Man #3.
Peter was captured by Tombstone in the previous issue, and now the hero is at the gang leader’s mercy. Almost the entirety of this issue is dialogue, with a sprinkle of Tombstone getting physically even. The result is an issue that dives into the mind of Tombstone, focusing on quality storytelling rather than action. It’s thoroughly entertaining and enlightening, giving readers a glance at what motivates the villain while also revealing his plan.
Wells continues to have a great voice for Peter, writing the character accurately. Even in his defeated state, the character’s personality and ideals constantly show, and it never feels forced or cheesy. The character has certainly had some lows lately, but Spidey seems to be on the upswing under Wells’ care.
John Romita Jr and Marcio Menyz bless readers with another great looking issue here. The only critique I really have is how the blood on the outside of Peter’s suit just looks a little off. I’m not an expert on fabric, but it’s hard to say that blood would like how it does on a suit. Still, this is a minor nitpick.
The panels throughout the issue are staged well, allowing for readers to take in the story’s pacing without issue. Tombstone beating on Peter looks brutal thanks to the way the panels are staged. Painfully bold lettering by Joe Caramagna only adds to the intensity of the scene.
There is a lot of dialogue there is in this issue, and Romita makes it compelling to look at. The perfect angle is always there, and there is always just enough time passing in the gutter space to keep the narrative interesting. Even with the dark setting, Menyz’s colors and lighting are superb, adding depth to art while also increasing the tension of this issue.
Amazing Spider-Man #3 is one of the best issues in the series so far. It’s full of tension while also fleshing out a villain who was rather bland before Wells took over. If Spider-Man fans aren’t already on board, they should probably run and hop on now.
Amazing Spider-Man #3
If Spider-Man fans aren’t already on board, they should probably run and hop on now.