Wonder Woman #759
DC Comics
Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Mikel Janin & Jordie Belaire
It’s a shame that Wonder Woman rarely gets the treatment that she deserves with DC. Batman and Superman usually get some fantastic creators and stories, yet Wonder Woman doesn’t seem to be held on the same standard. The last few runs for the character have ranged from mediocre to good, with G. Willow Wilson’s run being the highlight so far. Writer Mariko Tamaki who has created some stellar comics over the last year or two is the latest creator to give the Amazonian a try.
Mariko Tamaki’s script is full of energy and successfully appeals to both new and longtime readers. There is a bit of exposition in the beginning, but Tamaki doesn’t get too bogged down with the details. This allows for a wonderful amount of accessibility without ruining interest for vets. It’s a focused, yet lighthearted introduction that shows some of Wonder Woman’s defining qualities while still starting off an interesting story.
Mikel Janin takes on the major art duties in this issue and does a fine job of bringing Wonder Woman to life. The character looks wonderful, with a strong presence that defines the character. All of the action-filled sequences look fantastic, making it easy for readers to consume what is happening on and between the panels. Jordie Bellaire’s colors are solid as expected. Some fantastic palettes flesh out Janin’s work while also establishing tone in a way that the script by itself can’t
Mariko Tamaki’s run is off to a strong start. The creative team supporting the script is fantastic, allowing this debut to be a complete package. Fans of the character and those who have been wanting to give Wonder Woman a try should absolutely pick this issue up.
Wonder Woman #759
Fans of the character and those who have been wanting to give Wonder Woman a try should absolutely pick this issue up.