Author: Ryan Easby

The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines TinyDino Games Shooter Nintendo Switch The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines offers an intriguing concept. Based around the singular gameplay quirk of the ability to freeze time, the potential is raised for an interesting puzzle-action game with various solutions and creativity on the behalf of the player. It’s a shame then, that The Ambassador squanders the potential afforded to it and becomes a run-of-the-mill, flash game-esque game, one that may have been seen as good ten years ago but simply doesn’t hold up currently. The game starts out quite well, tutorialising the concept of time-stopping and the combat…

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Played on a base PS4. Marvel’s Avengers has certainly been through the wringer since it was revealed at E3 in its current form at E3 2019. Revealed during a largely lambasted Square Enix press conference, with a noticeable lack of gameplay and some extreme concerns about the look of the game (many saw it as being an MCU knock-off, which given the look of some of the characters is a fair assumption to make.)  Later presentations of the game really didn’t help matters, with people noting how stilted some of the action was and raising questions about the “live-service”…

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Guns Akimbo Director: Jason Lei Howden Starring: Samara Weaving, Daniel Radcliffe, Rhys Darby, Mark Rowley, Ned Dennehy, Natasha Liu Bordizzo Rating: R Runtime: 98 minutes Whoever convinced Daniel Radcliffe that he could be the star of an action film, I want you to take a good, hard look in the mirror and see what an utter abomination and excuse for a human being you are. Guns Akimbo is definitive proof that Radcliffe cannot do that, and it’s also definitive proof that Jason Lei Howden shouldn’t write or direct ever again. Plot-wise Guns Akimbo has little there.  Radcliffe has guns stapled to…

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Levelhead Butterscotch Shenanigans Platformer Nintendo Switch I’m not gonna lie, it’s refreshing to play a game that’s just okay. Not great and not overtly awful, but just kinda….there. Perhaps it’s the sheer amount of hours I’ve put into Super Mario Maker 2 (500+, if you must know) that’s jading me at this stage, or perhaps Levelhead is simply flawed, but I just have massive issues with certain parts of this game. Like most Mario and Sonic games, there’s little in the way of story here (which is why I won’t be rating the story). All you need to know…

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Palm Springs Director: Max Barbakow Starring: Andy Samberg, Cristin Milioti, J.K Simmons, Camilla Mendes, Tyler Hoechlin Rating: R Runtime: 90 minutes If you’d have told me at the start of the year that a Hulu exclusive film (that originally premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year and in fact sold for the most a Sundance Festival Film has ever sold for, and for good reason), starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Miloti, would not only rocket to the top of my favourite films of 2020, but perhaps become one of the best films I’ve ever seen and an…

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Dark Nights Death Metal #2 DC Comics Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo Boy. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo sure know how to make something feel massive, huh? Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder may be the greatest artist/writer duo currently working anywhere simply on a dynamic level. The ability of Capullo to capture the insanity of the inner machinations of Snyder’s mind is simply unparalleled, a true embodiment of the chaos inherent in the writing. No page is under-utilised, no panel wasted on Capullo’s part. It’s almost as if Snyder has a direct line to Capullo’s brain that allows…

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With the advent of COVID-19 ruining lives and forcing us all back into the veritable caves we call home, movies have been delayed left right and centre. So, with the advent of streaming services and access to an unbridled amount of content from the past, we at Sequential Planet thought that we’d bring you a host of reviews on old movies, TV shows, and comics. So please, enjoy the new series of content coming your way for the foreseeable future.  Wow. That was the best Batman comics I’ve in years. Batman Universe is a universe-spanning (hence the title)…

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With the advent of COVID-19 ruining lives and forcing us all back into the veritable caves we call home, movies have been delayed left, right, and centre. So, with streaming services providing access to an unbridled amount of past content, we at Sequential Planet are bringing you a host of reviews on old movies, TV shows, and comics. So please, enjoy this new series coming your way for the foreseeable future.  Film rewatches are absolutely bizarre things. You can go from hating a film to absolutely adoring it, or from adoring a film to absolutely hating it. Recently, I’ve…

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Once & Future #6 BOOM! Studios Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Dan Mora Once & Future was probably my favourite new series of the entirety of 2019. The combination of Kieron Gillen’s absolutely transcendent writing and Dan Mora’s utterly breath-taking artwork created something truly special. Once and Future #6 ending the first arc of this story. The next issue is not due for release until March. Can Gillen and Mora stick the landing and make the first arc of this tale something truly memorable and, in the vein of the old Arthurian tales, something worthy of a knight? The answer…

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Joker Director: Todd Phillips Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen Rating: R Runtime: 122 minutes Not many films make me actively uncomfortable. Many films have made me feel a bit ill, some have even made me feel nervous, but I can count the number of films that have actually made me physically uncomfortable on one hand. Midsommar, an earlier release from this year, is one of those films, and if you know how that plays out, you’ll probably understand why. Now, after finally seeing Joker, I can add it to the list of…

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