Script by Grant Morrison Art by Liam Sharp Colors by Steve Oliff Letters by Tom Orzechowski Bye minen trothers, Morreisin hauth doun itt waunce ‘gayn. This is a very fun mag. The Green Lantern has been a notable bright spark in a sea of endlessly recombinated plots and stale characters and boring concepts pretending to be the brave new thing. Morrison’s a big name for a reason, and The Green Lantern has been the comic equivalent of a wry and dry joke, a gallows-humor retrospective delivered by a man performing a slow and methodical autopsy of comic tropes. It…
Author: Quinn Morris
Storytellers: Dan Didio & Shane Davis Inks by Davis & Michelle Delecki Colors by Jason Wright Letters by Travis Lanham As you may recall from the last issue, this Metal Men series has been a little strange – playing fast and loose with canon, making interesting choices without the proper follow-through – but, as they say, a house made of even the tastiest and most delectable waffles cannot stand, and let’s be honest: This was a house made of Eggo’s. Yes, dear readers, I’m sorry to say that Metal Men (2019) has been left in the toaster too long,…
Metal Men (2019-) #6 DC Comics Writers: Dan Didio & Shane Dawson Artist: Shane Dawson & Jason Wright Letters: Travis Lanham Raise your hand if you like robots. Is that everybody?? Nice! I, like you, love robots. Like you, I have thrilled to all sorts of fanciful tales about our metal friends and will almost never say no to a story involving robots that has something new to say. Having read through what’s currently published of DC’s present Metal Men series, I think that while it does have new things to say, they come at a cost that many fans may…
Zatch Bell is one of the greatest shonen of all time. Nobody talks about it, Nobody makes Youtube essays on it, But it’s true. Zatch Bell takes a hundred shonen tropes and turns them on their head. It’s seemingly aimed at a younger audience, but its emotional peaks reveal a maturity that rivals any of the big shonen series and in many cases surpasses them. It’s simple but subtle and has lessons to teach the old and the young alike. The combat is tactical, and so brilliantly thought-out that it’s worthy of being held alongside JoJo’s as an example…
Justice League #14 DC Comics Writer: Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV Artists: Jim Cheung, Steven Segovia, Mark Morales,Segovia,Tomeu Morey & Wil Quintana Back in the saddle! Back to reviewing comics after a five-month break! And where better to start than with the new Justice League, right? A kick in the pants! A jolt of energy to get things started! [reads Justice League #14] ….Yeah, that figures. Of course I’d review the first issue of the run that’s NOT action-packed. Of course. Ahh well! It’s a solid issue anyway, and I’m excited to be writing again! Let’s start off with…
Batman #51 DC Comics Writer: Tom King Artists: Lee Weeks & Elizabeth Breitweiser So, you read Batman #50. You’ve been reading King’s Batman run. There’s probably some feelings there. Maybe some thoughts thrown in? Who knows. But I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I didn’t see Batman #51 coming at all. It’s a collection of bold moves and subtle touches that create a legitimately new Batman story – something I’ve been waiting on for a while now. “But Quinn,” you hiss, your forked tongue lapping at the air, “King’s run, regardless of its…
Green Lanterns #51 DC Comics Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Mike Perkins and Hi-Fi There’s something about the Green Lantern Corps (and comics in general really) that makes writers just want to come up with B-movie villains. “The army from BEYOND SPACE!” “The Day Feelings RAN OUT!” “HERO SNATCHERS FROM PLANET 99!” Which, if handled correctly, I would have absolutely no problem with. The problem is that the writers inevitably take their completely fabricated threats to the fabric of reality or universal order or whatever’s in jeopardy this time around way too seriously. And sure, taking a threat seriously is…
Well, folks, I finally did it. I finally saw Watchmen. People have been yelling at me about it for years, and like a fool I ignored them. I thought, “how good can a movie about superheroes murdering people be??” I have never been more wrong! The depth of character! The strength of vision! The slow-mo! I mean, it was all there! Well, I’d save some content for the review, ha ha! As you know, I have a 100-point system of rating films, with 10 points awarded in 10 different categories. Let’s see how Zack Snyder’s seminal film Watchmen stacks up! Casting: I think the casting for…
Plastic Man #2 DC Comics Writer: Gail Simone Artists: Adriana Melo and Kelly Fitzpatrick Y’know, I like stretchy people. Mr. Fantastic, Elongated Man, Monkey D. Luffy… there’s something about the stretchy superpowers that just gets the imaginations of the writers and artists going. But Plastic Man is always a cut above the rest, because my boy Eel is canonically fun. Richards is an asshole, Dibny is very dead, and Luffy’s a shonen protagonist so he is contractually obligated to be fun. Plastic Man has always been one of the most lighthearted and powerfully interesting characters in comics, and he…
Eternity Girl #5 DC Comics Writer: Magdalene Visaggio Artist: Sonny Liew Holy hell, this is good stuff. And you’ve been sleeping on this! I can’t believe it! You have been sleeping on the single best title to come out of DC’s Young Animal since Bug. C’mon, guy! Get your head in the game! This is Eternity Girl you’re missing out on! The art is the same as it’s been the entire series and continues to be excellent. I’m struggling to find the right word to describe the linework, though. Wrinkly? Knobby? Comix-y? Whatever it is, it’s unusual and it…