Val x Love
Studio: Hoods Entertainment
Genre: Supernatural, Harem, Comedy
Streaming: Crunchyroll
Val x Love was rather anticipated by the anime community this season, and I can’t say that I understood why. To me, it looked like your typical action harem anime at a glance. After watching the first episode, I can say that Val x Love is exactly as expected and almost nothing more.
In Val x Love, Akutsu Takuma has a ridiculously scary face that makes him an outsider to the rest of the world. Everyone thinks he is a monster. The way that people treat him has led to Akutsu growing a fear of humans. Fortunately (Or unfortunately?) for Akutsu, Odin has decided that he needs to help nine valkyries fight real monsters. The nine valkyries are girls who all live with him, and they gain power by falling in love with him.
The concept is ridiculous and the implementation is trashy. The characters bond through intimate encounters whether they are innocent or sexual. While the episode opens up innocently enough, it quickly devolves into a harem of fanservice and ecchi scenes. Even if the viewer is into this kind of thing, it’s hard to get past the breakneck speed and rocky pacing of this episode. No character really gets a proper introduction aside from the protagonist and one of the girls. The comedy is mostly just the character falling into cleavage or thighs and getting punched. There are a few fresh jokes in this episode, but they are all in the beginning before the entire episode falls apart.
The animation is adequate but does the lone action scene no justice. Even if the animation was great, the lone fight scene is so short that it wouldn’t have been appreciated. This episode focuses on the comedy, so if you are into sexual gags you’ll find yourself enjoying this episode. Everyone else will find very little to appreciate. The sound design is fine, with good voice actors and a fun OST, but nothing really moved me. The OP is full of fanservice as expected as well.
Val x Love is fine if you want a bunch of fanservice, but there isn’t anything substantial here. It’s mindless, choppy, and full of cheap gags. The protagonist is interesting enough but too dumb to actually cheer for. There are better things to watch this season if you want a comedy or even a harem.
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Val x Love
Val x Love is fine if you want a bunch of fanservice, but there isn't anything substantial here. It's mindless, choppy, and full of cheap gags. The protagonist is interesting enough but too dumb to actually cheer for. There are better things to watch this season if you want a comedy or even a harem.