There were a lot of big titles for the Nintendo Switch in July. Games like Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles of course got all of the attention, but what about the games that you might have missed? We have you covered! Here are 10 Switch games you might have missed in July that are worth checking out.
Boomerang X
There aren’t a lot of fast-paced actions games on the Switch that are more exhilarating than Boomerang X. The gameplay and controls feel incredibly intuitive, and the gameplay loop never gets old throughout the short experience. While it isn’t the most replayable game out there, Boomerang X is a must-play for those who want a fun time.
Cotton Reboot!
Cotton Reboot! is the best version of the old shoot-em-up classic. The remake features new visuals and a soundtrack that shows off just how cute Cotton Reboot is intended to be. The ability to toggle between the new and retro visuals and audio is nice, letting nostalgia set in for those who loved the original decades ago. Cotton Reboot has a great amount of replayability too, justifying the somewhat steep price tag.
Risk System
Risk System is another thoroughly entertaining Shoot-em-up that came out in July. Shoot-em-ups and bullet hell games have a bad reputation for being too hardcore. They just aren’t very accessible to beginners. Risk System is challenging but also fair and accessible, making it an excellent game for those who want to try out the genre.
The Silver Case 2425
The Silver Case 2425 is full of value for fans of visual novels. There are two classic games in this package, and they are both written by SUDA51, so you know what you are getting. These are two stylish visual novels full of wild twists and obscene language. They aren’t masterpieces by any means, but they are still worth checking out for fans of the genre or SUDA51.
Streets of Rage 4: Mr. X Nightmare
This one might be cheating since it’s an expansion, but it is still one of the best Switch experiences to come out of July. The new DLC features three playable characters, new weapons and enemies, and some new customization options. The biggest addition is the new survival mode that promises tons of replayability due to weekly challenges.
Bustafellows is the second visual novel on our list, but it is a little more traditional than The Silver Case 2425. The steamy otome game features crime, puzzles, and of course, hot anime guys. There are many options when it comes to romance, and the game has a decent amount of replayability too. This is a fine game for those who want to try their hand at solving a murder (and maybe getting a boyfriend while they do so).
Samurai Warriors 5
Despite the 5 at the end of the title, Samurai Warriors 5 is as accessible to series newcomers as it can be. Musou-style games are getting more popular thanks to popular IPs being adapted into the genre, and the Samurai Warriors series is one of the best franchises in the genre. Some new mechanics and tons of content make this an excellent entry to jump in on.
Within The Blade
Within The Blade is there for those who miss retro 2D action-stealth games. It’s not as difficult as some of the classics, but the clean gameplay and great visuals make this one worth checking out.
Trigger Witch
” For a small title from a smaller developer, Trigger Witch is about as good as it gets.”
Dark Nights With Poe and Munro
Solid acting and a bizarre script make Dark Nights With Poe and Munro an FMV worth checking out. It’s certainly not for everyone, but Dark Nights With Poe and Munro has a certain charm to it that demands to be explored.
There you have it! What is your favorite new Switch game? Let us know in the comments!